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Frequently Asked Questions:



How Does Therapy Help?


Talking in confidence with a professionally trained psychotherapist is sometimes the first time we feel able to acknowledge a particular difficulty to another person. Therapy provides a space to speak, to be heard and understood, to connect to feelings and crucially to gain awareness about how we may want to bring about change in our life. In certain situations, it may be the gateway to accessing other specialist services.


How Confidential is Therapy ?


What you tell me in therapy is confidential and I keep all written records secure. This is only breached in exceptional circumstances which I will explain when we meet.


How Do I Find the Right Therapist?


I suggest you meet at least one qualified and experienced therapist in your search and get a good sense of how comfortable you feel with them. If you’re unsure, follow your gut instinct and meet someone else. Decide what you want to ask before you go and make sure you get the answers you’re seeking before you leave!


How Much Does it Cost?


£100 per hour: London practice

£85 per hour: Farnham practice

Before meeting, I am happy to offer a free initial 20-minute phone or video chat.


How Long Does Therapy Last?


That will depend on the issue for which you are seeking help and your preference. I work both short and long-term, but initially we will work together for an agreed period of time, with regular reviews of how it’s going. 

Clare Pointon Therapy: Psychotherapy and Counselling in Farnham, Surrey

and at City Therapy Space, Furnival Street, EC4 near Holborn and the City of London.


      Email:    Phone: 07873 130 727

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